PHRI Recycling Program
Your empty pipette tip boxes and racks do not have to end up in our oceans,
here are some recycling options:

1. Use the TipOne Pipet Tip Refill System (USA Scientific).
Look for a TipOne Pipet collection container on your floor. Place racks, lids and stack components in the container, but only from USA Scientific.
USA Scientific collects the content of the containers for recycling and it is free!
Please send an e-mail to when the container is full.
2. Corning, Falcon or Axygen also have a free recycling program.
Not only for pipet tip boxes, but all plastic packing can be collected and send back to them for recycling. Is very simple and it is free!.
- Fill any box with collected plastic packing.
- Go to and print a prepaid mail labeling.
- Ask your administration office to mail it.
3. ART or Olympus filter tips.
If your laboratory consumes ART or Olympus filter tips sold by Genesee Scientific, collect the empty boxes in any container and when you have a full box send us an e-mail ( PHRI’s Genesee Scientific sales representative has agreed to collect those for recycling, free of charge!
4. If you are using pipette tips from companies that do not recycle, you can still recycle!
Your lab can purchase Pipette Tip Recycle Boxes. The best deal is from Fisher Scientific, Catalog number: 246543000.
A package of 5 good looking cardboard boxes cost $ 275.50 Each box holds from 36 to 75 pipette tip boxes depending on the size of the pipette. The cost of the box includes a prepaid UPS shipping labeled addressed to the recycler. Your administration office can arrange pick up by UPS.