Jason H. Yang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor & Chancellor Scholar
Microbiology, Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics
Center for Emerging and Re-Emerging Pathogens
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
room W410-W
Laboratory Website: jasonyanglab.org
Yang JH (2022) CRISP(e)R drug discovery. Nat Chem Biol 18: 435-436. PMI: 35197625
Chitale P, Lemenze AD, Fogarty EC, Shah A, Grady C, Odom-Mabey AR, Johnson WE, Yang JH, Eren AM, Brosch R, Kumar P, Alland D (2022) A comprehensive update to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv reference genome. Nat Commun 13: 7068. PMI: 36400796
Bruiners N, Guerrini V, Ukey R, Dikdan RJ, Yang JH, Mishra PK, Onyuka A, Handler D, Vieth J, Carayannopoulos M, Guo S, Pollen M, Pinter A, Tyagi S, Feingold D, Philipp C, Libutti SK, Gennaro ML (2022) Longitudinal Analysis of Biologic Correlates of COVID-19 Resolution: Case Report. Front Med (Lausanne) 9: 915367. PMI: 35783607
Bruiners N, Guerrini V, Ukey R, Dikdan R, Yang J, Mishra PK, Onyuka A, Handler D, Vieth J, Carayannopulos M, Guo S, Pollen M, Pinter A, Tyagi S, Feingold D, Philipp C, Libutti S, Gennaro ML (2022) Biologic correlates of beneficial convalescent plasma therapy in a COVID-19 patient reveal disease resolution mechanisms. medRxiv. PMI: 35132422
Lopatkin AJ, Yang JH (2021) Digital Insights Into Nucleotide Metabolism and Antibiotic Treatment Failure. Front Digit Health 3. PMI: 34355212
Lopatkin AJ, Bening SC, Manson AL, Stokes JM, Kohanski MA, Badran AH, Earl AM, Cheney NJ, Yang JH, Collins JJ (2021) Clinically relevant mutations in core metabolic genes confer antibiotic resistance. Science 371. PMI: 33602825
Leon-Buitimea A, Morones-Ramirez JR, Yang JH, Pena-Miller R (2021) Editorial: Facing the Upcoming of Multidrug-Resistant and Extensively Drug-Resistant Bacteria: Novel Antimicrobial Therapies (NATs). Front Bioeng Biotechnol 9: 636278. PMI: 33732690
Kim GL, Hooven TA, Norambuena J, Li B, Boyd JM, Yang JH, Parker D (2021) Growth and Stress Tolerance Comprise Independent Metabolic Strategies Critical for Staphylococcus aureus Infection. mBio 12: e0081421. PMI: 34101490
Anahtar MN, Yang JH, Kanjilal S (2021) Applications of Machine Learning to the Problem of Antimicrobial Resistance: an Emerging Model for Translational Research. J Clin Microbiol 59: e0126020. PMI: 33536291
Yang JH, Wright SN, Hamblin M, McCloskey D, Alcantar MA, Schrubbers L, Lopatkin AJ, Satish S, Nili A, Palsson BO, Walker GC, Collins JJ (2019) A White-Box Machine Learning Approach for Revealing Antibiotic Mechanisms of Action. Cell 177: 1649-1661.e1649. PMI: 31080069
Lopatkin AJ, Stokes JM, Zheng EJ, Yang JH, Takahashi MK, You L, Collins JJ (2019) Bacterial metabolic state more accurately predicts antibiotic lethality than growth rate. Nat Microbiol 4: 2109-2117. PMI: 31451773
Yang JH, Bhargava P, McCloskey D, Mao N, Palsson BO, Collins JJ (2017) Antibiotic-Induced Changes to the Host Metabolic Environment Inhibit Drug Efficacy and Alter Immune Function. Cell Host Microbe 22: 757-765.e753. PMI: 29199098
Yang JH, Bening SC, Collins JJ (2017) Antibiotic efficacy-context matters. Curr Opin Microbiol 39: 73-80. PMI: 29049930
Takahashi N, Gruber CC, Yang JH, Liu X, Braff D, Yashaswini CN, Bhubhanil S, Furuta Y, Andreescu S, Collins JJ, Walker GC (2017) Lethality of MalE-LacZ hybrid protein shares mechanistic attributes with oxidative component of antibiotic lethality. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114: 9164-9169. PMI: 28794281
Meylan S, Porter CBM, Yang JH, Belenky P, Gutierrez A, Lobritz MA, Park J, Kim SH, Moskowitz SM, Collins JJ (2017) Carbon Sources Tune Antibiotic Susceptibility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa via Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Control. Cell Chem Biol 24: 195-206. PMI: 28111098
Lobritz MA, Belenky P, Porter CB, Gutierrez A, Yang JH, Schwarz EG, Dwyer DJ, Khalil AS, Collins JJ (2015) Antibiotic efficacy is linked to bacterial cellular respiration. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112: 8173-8180. PMI: 26100898
Yang JH, Polanowska-Grabowska RK, Smith JS, Shields CWt, Saucerman JJ (2014) PKA catalytic subunit compartmentation regulates contractile and hypertrophic responses to beta-adrenergic signaling. J Mol Cell Cardiol 66: 83-93. PMI: 24225179
Dwyer DJ, Belenky PA, Yang JH, MacDonald IC, Martell JD, Takahashi N, Chan CT, Lobritz MA, Braff D, Schwarz EG, Ye JD, Pati M, Vercruysse M, Ralifo PS, Allison KR, Khalil AS, Ting AY, Walker GC, Collins JJ (2014) Antibiotics induce redox-related physiological alterations as part of their lethality. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111: E2100-2109. PMI: 24803433
Yang JH, Saucerman JJ (2012) Phospholemman is a negative feed-forward regulator of Ca2+ in beta- adrenergic signaling, accelerating beta-adrenergic inotropy. J Mol Cell Cardiol 52: 1048-1055. PMI: 22289214
Sample V, DiPilato LM, Yang JH, Ni Q, Saucerman JJ, Zhang J (2012) Regulation of nuclear PKA revealed by spatiotemporal manipulation of cyclic AMP. Nat Chem Biol 8: 375-382. PMI: 22366721
Yang JH, Saucerman JJ (2011) Computational models reduce complexity and accelerate insight into cardiac signaling networks. Circ Res 108: 85-97. PMI: 21212391
Benedict KF, Mac Gabhann F, Amanfu RK, Chavali AK, Gianchandani EP, Glaw LS, Oberhardt MA, Thorne BC, Yang JH, Papin JA, Peirce SM, Saucerman JJ, Skalak TC (2011) Systems analysis of small signaling modules relevant to eight human diseases. Ann Biomed Eng 39: 621-635. PMI: 21132372
Yang J (2009) Science careers: where does advocacy fit? Science 323: 208-209. PMI: 19131612
Gurewitsch ED, Kim EJ, Yang JH, Outland KE, McDonald MK, Allen RH (2005) Comparing McRoberts’ and Rubin’s maneuvers for initial management of shoulder dystocia: an objective evaluation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 192: 153-160. PMI: 15672018
Kim EJ, Allen RH, Yang JH, McDonald MK, Tam W, Gurewitsch ED (2004) Simulating complicated human birth for research and training. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2004: 2762-2766. PMI: 17270849